


Eye strain causes inconvenience and discomfort for people in daily activities as well as affects eye health. How to get rid of eye strain? The following 7 tips will help you get rid of the discomforts right away!

  • Blink often

When concentrating on work, especially office workers or people who have to work often using computers and phones, we often have the habit of focusing and attentive, so we will forget to blink for a long time. This makes the eyes dry, tired, tight and even causes many other uncomfortable symptoms such as headaches and dizziness.

Therefore, we have to blink often to help tears spread evenly on the surface of the eyeball and reduce the feeling of tension. At the same time, this action will help the eyes to wash away foreign objects and keep the conjunctival and corneal surfaces clean.

  • Apply a warm washcloth to your eyes

This is an extremely effective way to reduce eye strain. This will soothe the eyes and promote the formation of tears, help the eyes to relax after a long day of tiring activities.

You can do it with the following very simple way:

Step 1: Soak a towel in hot water, then wring it out.

Step 2: Apply on eyes for about 5-10 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse eyes with warm water.

You should do this 2-3 times a day until the eye strain is completely reduced.

  • Drink enough water

Not only the body, but the eyes also need water to be healthy and able to function properly. Water helps the eyes to produce enough tears and to avoid dry and tight eyes. Make sure you drink 2 liters of water every day, to keep your body and eyes healthy.

Moreover, to soothe the eyes, you can use eye drops or artificial tears to add moisture and nutrients to the eyes.

  • Don't rub your eyes

When the eyes are strained and uncomfortable, if you rub your eyes, it can cause corneal abrasions, create conditions for bacteria to enter and infect your eyes. This is extremely dangerous! Instead of rubbing your eyes, wash your eyes with clean water, use a cotton swab gently to remove the foreign body or use a specialized eyewash solution.

Cleaning the eyes is important to avoid eye strain. Cleaning the eyelids helps to remove residues and dirt that accumulate over time, clogging the tear glands. If you wear makeup regularly, you should remove your eye makeup at the end of the day.

In case there is a large foreign object flying into the eye, you need to go to the nearest medical facility for the best treatment.

  • Adjust computer screen brightness

The light from the screen puts a lot of pressure on the eyes and causes the eyes to regulate a lot. Moreover, the blue light from these electronic devices has a great impact on eye health. Place the computer at eye level or slightly lower, but not too much, so that you can still comfortably see the screen and adjust the screen brightness accordingly.

  • Wear eye protection glasses

You should wear protective eyewear to avoid your eyes working a lot or getting hurt when going out in the hot sun. It is advisable to choose and use contact lenses correctly to avoid hurting the eyes. Moreover, swimming goggles should be used to limit eye contact with chemicals in the pool water.

  • Nutritional supplements for eyes


A diet lacking in omega-3 fatty acids can lead to dry eyes. Therefore, you should increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, etc. to reduce dry eyes.

Antioxidant foods

Antioxidant foods help reduce eye strain and inflammation, make eyes healthier and reduce dry eye symptoms. You should eat more foods with high antioxidant activity such as grapes, blueberries, green tea, dark chocolate, ...

Vitamins and minerals

Supplementing with vitamins and minerals in appropriate doses is important for eye health. For example, vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, zinc, ...

Here are some tips on how to get rid of eye strain that are particularly simple to followy. In addition, when there are symptoms such as headache accompanied by blurred vision, dizziness, you need to let the eyes rest. If the condition does not improve, you need to go to the eye specialist for advice, examination and correct diagnosis of the disease and appropriate treatment.