In modern society, PC or Smartphone have been essential tools. However, when you watch digital screens for hours, the eyes become dry and tired. The eyes would be further dryer if you watch them in the room with air conditioner. With these eyes dryness, the cornea in the eyes could be easily damaged and tear become unstable on eyes.
Then, the cornea damage makes eyes dry again. This is a vicious circle, and it leads to eye fatigue. Also, you may feel blurred vision in these eye condition.
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• • Effect of Vitamin A Palmitate on Vitamin A-deficient Rabbits (Nippon Ganka Gakkai zasshi, 103,729-733,1999)
• Effect of retinol palmitate eye drops on experimental keratoconjunctival epithelial damage induced by n-heptanol in rabbit. (The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2008) , (Curr Eye Res, 33,13-18,2008)
• Efficacy of retinol palmitate eye drops for dry eye in rabbits with lacrimal gland section. (Clinical Ophthalmology, 6, 1585-1593, 2012) Effect of retinol palmitate on corneal and conjunctival mucin gene expression in a rat dry eye model after injury. (J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 33:24-33. 2017)
• Efficacy and safety of retinol palmitate ophthalmic solution in the treatment of dry eye: a Japanese Phase clinical rial. (Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 11:1871-1879.2017)