


Eyes are the door that leads you to the most beautiful places, so protect your eyes now with these very simple ways:

  • Provides nutrition for the eyes

Like the skin, the eyes need to be provided with the necessary moisture and the best way to keep the eyes moist is to drink plenty of water during the day. Use foods containing vitamin A, omega 3 ... , which are good for the eyes.

  • Eye massage

Just like other parts of the body, the eyes also need a relaxing massage. Sit comfortably, imagine a clock in front of you, then look up at the number indicating 12 o'clock. Pause for a second, then look down toward 6 o'clock. Pause for a few seconds, then try not to blink. Repeat this movement 10 times. Place your hands over your eyes for a few seconds, and rest your eyes in the dark to complete the exercise.

Massage your eyes hard every day, you will find that your eyes are brighter and healthier.

  • Clean your eyes regularly

Eyes are affected by a lot of dirt from the surrounding environment every day, so proper daily eye washing with cool water is a good way to keep your eyes healthy.

  • Exercise for the eyes

Eye exercises help to relax your eyes, and give your eye muscles a rest. Simply practice opening and closing your eyes for 5-10 seconds every day, you will see the difference in your eyes.

  • Take time to sleep for your eyes

You have been busy working all day, so go to bed on time to rest your eyes after a hard day's work. Going to bed early will also help reduce dark circles, puffiness…

  • Use eye drops

The use of eye drops helps to keep the eyes clean and provides active ingredients to protect the eyes from harmful agents. So if you haven’t tried it yet, give it a try.

  • Regular eye exams

To ensure that your eyes are always healthy, get regular eye exams to detect eye problems at the earliest and get the fastest possible treatment.

  • Eyemiru brings you a comprehensive eye protection solution from Japan

EYEMIRU 40EX EYE DROPS has ingredients containing Vitamins A, E, B6 and other necessary nutrients that not only help soothe eyes immediately, but also help improve eye strain caused by using computers for too long and prevent diseases caused by dirt, dust or sweat entering the eyes. The product is manufactured and packed entirely from Japan and inspected and approved by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.

EYEMIRU WASH – WASHING SOLUTION contains Vitamins E, B5, B6 and many other nutrients to help deep clean and prevent eye diseases caused by dirt, harmful agents or make-up residues stuck on the skin after going out, swimming, or removing makeup. EYEMIRU WASH also helps relieve eye fatigue and can be used before bed. The products is manufactured and packaged entirely from Japan, inspected and approved by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam.