


Daily work, and environmental pollution…. make our eyes weaker and weaker. The eyes are a very vulnerable part, especially for those who often have to work with computers. Therefore, the eyes need to be exercised to be healthy and flexible like our whole body. To help your eyes relax and improve your eyesight after studying and working hard, remember these 10 simple exercises right away.

  1. Blink continuously for 2 minutes

Normally, you will blink once every 4-6 seconds, when focusing on a computer screen this time is 12 to 15 seconds, causing eye fatigue and dry eyes. Blinking continuously for about 2 minutes will help increase blood circulation to the eyes, reducing eye fatigue and dry eyes.

  1. Glance horizontally

Keep your head still, and slowly move your eyes to the right, then to the left. Repeat this movement 10 times, doing 2 to 3 cycles a day will reduce eye fatigue and help the eyes become more flexible.

  1. Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes

Stretch your shoulders, stretch your body, then slowly relax and close your eyes tightly for 1-2 minutes. This movement not only improves blood circulation to the eyes and relieves stress.

  1. Close your eyes while moving your eyeballs vertically

Keeping your head still, with your eyes closed, slowly move your eyeballs up and down 10 times. Practicing 3 to 4 cycles a day will help keep your eyes healthy.

  1. Turn your head but keep looking straight ahead

Look fixed to a point, and slowly turn your head clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat each way 10 times.

  1. Lightly press the temples

Using your index or middle finger, gently press between your temples, holding for 4 to 5 seconds. Repeat this movement 5 times to help the circulation of the eye to circulate better.

  1. Look close then look far

Focus on one point for a few seconds. Then, zoom out, looking at a distant point for a few seconds. Repeat the movement 5 to 7 times a day.

  1. Write letters with your eyes

Hold your head still, look at the blank space in front of you, and use your eyes to write letters or different shapes depending on your preferences. Try to write as big as possible. This movement is quite difficult to do at first, but be persistent because this is a very good exercise for the eyes.

  1. Roll your eyes

Close your eyes, keep your head still, and slowly rotate your eyeballs clockwise, then counterclockwise 10 times each.

  1. Looking at a light-colored object

Constantly staring at the screen makes your eyes hurt. Look at a distant object that is light yellow or light blue so that the eyes do not have to regulate. This both relaxes the eyes and effectively relieves psychological stress.
