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Measures to protect eyes at home during the Covid-19 season


The Covid pandemic has been seriously affecting people's physical and mental health. In this epidemic situation, going to the hospital is difficult, here are some simple methods. Eye care at home:

Avoid touching your eyes

We know that coronavirus can be spread from droplets formed from a cough or sneeze, but it is also spread if you touch a surface where these droplets have landed. Once these surfaces are touched, they can then enter the body from our hands through our eyes, nose and mouth.

Another difficult thing to do is to try and refrain from touching your eyes and face which is easier said than done. When it comes to your eyes, you should always use a clean tissue instead of your hands to wipe away any excess tears or touch your eyes.

If you wear contact lenses, you need to take particular care 

You need to be meticulous with your hand hygiene when handling your contact lenses, especially now is not the time to get a contact lens-related infection.

When using contact lenses, you need to pay attention to how to use and maintain contact lenses. Careful storage of contact lenses will help you avoid damage to your vision. It is also a way to keep your eyes healthy.

Relieve eye strain by drinking water and using eye drops

Water is the main component of tears, so it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to keep yourself hydrated. If you find your eyes are feeling dry and irritated, use lubricating drops (artificial tears) as often as needed to keep your eyes more comfortable.

Take time to do eye exercises to relieve eye strain

Working from home means you spend a lot of time looking at screens – your eyes may feel dry, itchy or tight as a result. To make your eyes feel better, there are several different eye exercises you can do every day:

- Blink often

Each blink is a time when the eye is covered with a layer of tears. Therefore, to relieve dry eyes quickly, you need to blink more continuously and more often.

- Close your eyes while moving your eyeballs vertically

Keeping the head still, close the eyes, slowly and gently move the eyeball vertically (up - down), do 10 times.

- Roll your eyes

Similar to the above movement, close your eyes, keep your head still, slowly rotate your eyeballs clockwise, then reverse, rotate each direction 10 times.

Supplement nutrients

Diet is an essential part of maintaining eye health. The overall health of your eyes depends on certain nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants. Eating foods rich in these nutrients (sometimes called superfoods) can keep your eyes functioning at their best for a longer period of time, as well as help prevent various eye problems.
