


Dry eye is a common situation that happens when your eyes don't make enough tears or tears evaporate too quickly. It causes the eyes to dry out, or become red, swollen, itchy or even more dangerous symptoms.

1. Eye lubricating therapies

Some normal to heavy cases of dry eye can often be treated using lubricating eye treatments, including an eye drop, gel and oil eye drop.

These lubricants are often called artificial tears because they replace lost water tear in the eye membranes. However, they do not contain the antibodies, vitamins and nutrients that normal tears have. Most lubricants can be purchased without a prescription from a pharmacist and can be easily purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores.

There are many different types of eye drops and gels you easily meet on the market, so you should try to find the one that works effectively for you. Normally, most OTC eye drops products are not harmful to your eyes. 

Sometimes you have to use two or three different kinds of product compounds to treat the dry eyes effectively. However, if any signs of allergy or irritation happen, you should see a hospital or an ophthalmologist for appropriate measures.

2. Oily eye drops

Eye drops that replenish oil reduce evaporation from the surface of the eye are also increasingly used. Oil-based eye drops are especially helpful if you have pneumonia or dry eye syndrome caused by your tears evaporating too quickly.

3. Eye ointment

Eye ointments can also be used to help the eyes moist overnight. Tears can also evaporate while you sleep with half-closed eyes. You should use the ointment overnight, avoid using it during the day because it can cause blurred vision. You should also not use the ointment while wearing contact lenses.

Source: Hello Bác Sĩ


EYEMIRU EYEMIRU 40EX Eye Drops has ingredients containing Vitamins A, E, B6 and other necessary excipients that not only help soothe eyes immediately, but also reduce eye strain caused by using computers for too long and prevent eye diseases caused by dirt, or dust and sweat entering the eyes. The product is manufactured and packed totally from Japan and applied for the licence by the Vietnam Ministry of Health with Registration Number VN-19227-15.

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EYEMIRU WASH - EYE WASHING SOLUTION contains Vitamins E, B5, B6 and many other nutrients to clean your eyes deeply and prevent eye diseases caused by dirt or harmful agents or makeup residue sticking on the eyes after going out, after swimming, after removing makeup. EYEMIRU WASH also helps relieve eye fatigue and can be used before bed. The product is manufactured and packed totally from Japan and applied for the licence by the Vietnameses Ministry of Health with Registration Number VN-19492-15.

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